Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wow Wednesday

I can't believe it is Wednesday already. I have been busy these last few days catching up on home stuff and out stuff and feeling really tired today, having a Migraine this morning doesn't help but I just can't sleep very well ATM, I find I am tired, go to bed and my mind just goes on overdrive on everything. Last night I was buggered so thought an early night was needed. 11pm I got to bed and then did not sleep till 2am. Didn't help that I had to keep getting up to kidlets. Full moon is around that always does strange things to kids sleeping habits.

So today I have Keelan home, I think he just wanted some Mum time. LOL. even at 10 they still crave Mum time. Went to a body shop party yesterday, the pampering was lovely but I was the only Mum with Kidlets there beside the hostess and as it is a brand new house I was getting up and down to check on them, the first hour was great but then they started to get naughty and I started to stress so I had to make a quick getaway. I really dont know if I let them rule my life too much but it is easier to stay home with them. The last thing I felt like doing with a house of Ladies all crowing about their pampering day out is to start getting angry at my kids for not cleaning things up without a fight, so I booked a party and left and then I got angry at them. Is it all near 5 year old girls that are stubborn and self centred or just mine and a tired 2 year old. grr. So I felt really crappy with them last night and the world and didn't even go to my WW meeting either. Just dumped my woes on Tim when he came home and let the kids know that I was really not happy with them but I dont think they cared.

Hence the lack of sleep over self criticism and guilt and wonder and you know it all I am sure it is a Mum thing. Wondering are you too hard on them, not hard enough, should they be better or are they not that bad. blah blah blah, all the while husband is snoring his head off making it even worse. I am going to create tonight, I think I need to go to bed on a good note at night and find that is better than watching T.V. Sorry for the venting. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Take care


Anonymous said...

((((hugs)))) to you Trace, I'm pm'ing you. Just remember you are not alone in this mother world.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl
just remember that you are going through what most mothers go through and it's because you care! We are students of life and learning with each moment. Smile and I will across for a visit soon, I promise, Love Lainey

About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
