Friday, June 01, 2007

Turning 1.

This spunky little pumpkin is turning 1 and we are off to celebrate with Family and friends tomorrow. I can't believe she is 1 already and we have not seen her for months, I think Feb was the last time we saw them. Everyone is glad to be going for a Family catchup.

This afternoon we went shoe shopping well 1 pair of shoes for orphan annie Trin turned into 3 pairs for Trin and 1 each for the other 3. OMG but Trin desperately needed to be "shoed" so to speak after her only good pair broke this week I tell you but I needed a camera, every time the sales Lady asked her to walk for her she got the old model swagger up and was so proud of these new shoes she was getting. LOL. So then it went on and on until finally Zay was armed with Gum boots and off we went an hour later. I asked Hubby to be home at 5pm on the dot so I could do an online class with Jen Hall and he rang me to find out where I was hence I really didnt get much of the class done, will have to catch up through the week. So the Kidlets are in bed and so excited about Dakota's Birthday Party tomorrow. I am going to get more organised so I am not holding up the works in the morning. Have a great Long weekend.

Take care
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very belated response here - sorry. I hope the party went well and what a cutie pie to boot! You will definately have to take the camera next time you go shoe shopping, that would make a gorgeous LO, which reminds me I have some piccies of Jacob aged about 3 with lots of new shoes...mmmm thanks for the inspiration. Have a great day.

About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
