Tuesday, June 12, 2007

On the mend.


I just did a great big updated post and poured my heart out into it and all and bad bad blogger lost it. bad blogger. spank spank.

I will just have to highlight over it all now just dont have it in me to go through it all again.

* Weekend spent with Zay sick spewing, pooing, aching, sooking and fevers. Sooo gross the worst nappies any sweet child could dish out, Tim and I kept trying to pass the buck until 1 weakened when we looked into the pleading eyes of Zay who was wanting out of the nappy as soon as exit had happened. LOL. Trin is still coughing up her lung. Rainee tryed falling off a stack of bean bags onto her head and then spent an hour sobbing about the pain till the panadol kicked in.

* I am so over Mum my head hurts, Mum my tummy is sore, Mum my cough is keeping me awake, Mum I am sick, Mum my foot is sore. Hello what about "Mum I love you" really the only things muttered all weekend is pretty much the above parade of statements.

* I have the downs on with it all, I am pretty much missing having any support people around me and really missing my Family and great girlfriends that are scattered over the state. I would just love some time with them ATM I really need some female company, the works pretty much. This town is so plastic it is not funny, beautiful external people matter here, not internally beautiful people. I am so into giving people sunshine, not stealing it for myself but that is what they are about here.

* I went to the craft shop here on Saturday morning and have been crocheting a rug in great coloured wool since, will share a pic soon, I seriously had to walk out, the patchy materials are just divine ATM. I just dont have time to do it all, I have not scrapped this weekend but I have crocheted and enjoyed that. Keelan wants me to teach him now and Zay has put his order in for a crocheted blanket. LOL. Funny how my boys love my crocheting. The girls really havent commented about it as much. Keelan actually got really excited to see me crocheting last night. So he got out his french knitting tonight but I think he thinks it will take too long to get anything made so he wants to crochet now. LOL.

Other than that I never got to the beach which was bad as I needed to get grounded with nature. I will have to sort myself out soon. Had a cry and sook to Mum by phone this arvo so I have felt a little better, I guess it is all part of being a Mum but sometimes I really need a break and it just doesn't happen.

Take care and hope you all stay well.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi trace

Sounds like you had a nightmare weekend, you need to move up with us all, last weekend waws great with you all around felt like old times at the farm and at Charles Street, it is nice having family closer.
Hopefully all are well for the weekend with Keelans grading and karts. Brad has hurt his neck not sure how I think it is steming back to when he collapsed in the loo. He went to the chiropractor yesterday and again today hopefully he will get some relief.

All is well here otherwise did great at the swapmeet came home with only a few things and some clothes.

See you all on the weekend hope your week improves just remember there is always and rainbow after the rain.


About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
