Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Busy Day

Today was going to be just Zay and I at home and catch up time for me with Trin now back at school but that all changed rather quick. I dropped Trin off and they all welcomed her back like royalty which was great for her.

I then took Rainee to her room and Thanked her teacher for letting Keelan be her drop off, pick up Person for a couple of days and then her teacher asked me what to do with this massive canvas she had been given to decorate up with photos of the kindy kids for the ball coming up. She had no idea what potential a canvas held. So I was giving her a few ideas when she asked if I had time this morning to make a start on it with the kids. So I was thrown in the deep end and had these very helpful, quiet little Kindy children to help me paint it all turqoise and then they all put their hand prints on it in fluoro colours at either side and then I had to come home and cut felt circles for the other kindy class to sew which will all go around the photos and got the cricut to cut the heading Kindy 2007. I took in some tape for the teacher to put the photos on with but she wants me to now help finalise it on Monday. In between all this I had to fly home and cook 2 chocolate cakes, 1 is for Trin's cake raffle tomorrow, ice and decorate it, get pumpkin soup cut up and fly back to school to pick them up and then ended up having my meeting with Trin's teacher.

In between all that I got a thumping headache but I didnt have time to stop. But I enjoyed being in Rainee's class, they are a delightful bunch of kids and Zay had a great time being 1 of them. So cute. So our quiet day ended up very busy in other ways but I still got everything I needed to do done. I just pray the canvas looks awesome when finished or I will feel like a failure. So I hope tomorrow will be less hectic with the 2 little ones home and shopping to fit in there at some stage.

Trin is going well at school according to her teacher although very chatty and loud. Nothing we don't know!! I also found out that she has an imaginery friend. She was talking a few weeks back about this new friend of hers from the other class named Alabina and told me all these wonderful things about her how she was really clever with acrobatics and her Mother had taught her as she used to be in a circus etc. It was really amazing what she used to tell me about this little girl, Trin even showed me how she walked and what Alabina had taught her and how she had cryed when Alabina and her family moved to the next town but her teacher knew nothing about this girl and then we worked out that she must be her imaginery friend and realised she was going through a rough time then and this was how she coped, she created her own friend to play with as she will often go off on her own when the kids are giving her a hard time. Anyway the teacher is going to watch this girl who is giving her a hard time and keep them separated where possible but she said Trin is starting to play better with the kids and not being so bossy. So I just have to keep being really positive with her and watch how I answer her about things as I can turn her around in her thinking. Hope that makes sense. It is funny how popular she is at school but how she tells me the opposite at home. Having her home sick has given us special time together and I really think she feels so much better about our relationship now so it will make a difference for her. Having 4 is very hard to give them all some special time with just me when somewhere along the way I need a break as well but I am really trying to tune into them even more and keep all happy and content, they get so jealous but when 1 of them gets more of my time, like even Keelan was getting put out with Trin being home with me so much. Funny but I can remember being the same with my Mum. Anyway before I know it another novel has taken shape, sorry about that. Take care


Anonymous said...

Wow - you are a popular gal aren't you!! loved reading all about your school adventures.LOL Well done on being such an inspiration to the teachers, would love to see a pic of the finished canvas (turquiose being my fav colour). What a sweet memory of your daughters imaginary friend - she might be imaginary but she sure must have helped your daughter at the time. (((hugs)))

Sharon Manning said...

Thanks Tracey for the information on Quondongs.....and for visiting my blog...I love to hear from new visitors and I hope you continue to pop in from time to time!

About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
