Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Update on Trinity.

Well Trin showed no improvement overnight, her ear was twice the size this morning and just yuck. So I dropped 2 at school and then came home and made her a Dr's appt. Thankfully I could get 1 this morning. The Dr looked in her throat and jumped back and said "Oh Dear, you poor little thing" then asked if I had seen it. He said it was a wonder she was so bright as most other kids would have been knocked flat with a throat like that. It is full of gunk to put it nice. Tonsilitis, so then I show him her ear and he said OMG that is something completely different and will need a whole different antibiotic, that is a staph infection. It is travelling over her whole body now, she has breakouts of it everywhere and they are blisters that ooze gunk, can you tell I dont like saying that "pu**" word, just makes me cringe. So I spoilt her a little while getting the scripts filled and when I gave them to her she said "Oh Mum, that is so nice of you", she has been so brave to be so sick and not complain too much that it was the least I could do to brighten her up, a cute little denim purse that had its own lipgloss attached and then a couple of other little things for lips and shimmer creme.

She is starting to eat now and I have to pump the antibiotics in 7 times a day. I just hope her ear gets better it is nasty and highly infectious so I am on the big cleansing routine double fold, clean towels everyday and keeping the other kids from touching it even when playing with her is hard. So she is home till it heals and she is missing the school work, not the friends she tells me but the teachers and the work. I scrubbed the bathroom today and have no sense of smell left. lol seriously give me the natural cleaners anyday. Well off to catch some sleep, totally wiped out after todays effort. Take care

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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
