I can't believe it is Wednesday already. I have been busy these last few days catching up on home stuff and out stuff and feeling really tired today, having a Migraine this morning doesn't help but I just can't sleep very well ATM, I find I am tired, go to bed and my mind just goes on overdrive on everything. Last night I was buggered so thought an early night was needed. 11pm I got to bed and then did not sleep till 2am. Didn't help that I had to keep getting up to kidlets. Full moon is around that always does strange things to kids sleeping habits.
So today I have Keelan home, I think he just wanted some Mum time. LOL. even at 10 they still crave Mum time. Went to a body shop party yesterday, the pampering was lovely but I was the only Mum with Kidlets there beside the hostess and as it is a brand new house I was getting up and down to check on them, the first hour was great but then they started to get naughty and I started to stress so I had to make a quick getaway. I really dont know if I let them rule my life too much but it is easier to stay home with them. The last thing I felt like doing with a house of Ladies all crowing about their pampering day out is to start getting angry at my kids for not cleaning things up without a fight, so I booked a party and left and then I got angry at them. Is it all near 5 year old girls that are stubborn and self centred or just mine and a tired 2 year old. grr. So I felt really crappy with them last night and the world and didn't even go to my WW meeting either. Just dumped my woes on Tim when he came home and let the kids know that I was really not happy with them but I dont think they cared.
Hence the lack of sleep over self criticism and guilt and wonder and you know it all I am sure it is a Mum thing. Wondering are you too hard on them, not hard enough, should they be better or are they not that bad. blah blah blah, all the while husband is snoring his head off making it even worse. I am going to create tonight, I think I need to go to bed on a good note at night and find that is better than watching T.V. Sorry for the venting. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
Take care
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Happy place.
I am glad to say I am back at my happy place today. We are back to normal, well as normal as we can be and I have been scrapping the last 2 nights so that is always great. Blossom and shine would be my favourite right now, I have had this layout in my head for so long and got to put it to paper the other night. Love it, love colour and love bright and adore the pic of Trinity she is so loved by the camera that girl. Lucky thang.
Then poor Rainee is not so happy but I wanted a memory of this cropped fringe so I did that last night. I am going to create more tonight just so in the mood for it right now.
Tim is back at work and is nearly back to his normal self, I can't believe an infection in the leg can send a system so out of sorts. He even looks so much better colour wise and in his face. I do know he was really sick but I still had my meltdown from living in the midst of the house of woes. Lets hope we are on top for the rest of winter.
Today I am feelin the love, I just love so much around me, my Kidlets, Hubby, Family, Friends, scrapbooking world and all the wonderful Ladies I get to chat to because of it, the products we have available, computers, 2 new cardies I brought last week, I want pics of them they are so yummy, LOL. The colours in Trins layout above, all the lovely Ladies who read my blog and those that take the time to comment. I am lovin you all!! I am thankful I have all these wonderful people and things in my life. And the best thing I am lovin is wearing baggy clothes OH WHAT A FEELIN!! And anticipating getting down to the next size. WOOHOO, doing the crazy dance on that one. Oh and before I forget I got a great phone call yesterday, I won a prize from Lainey's shop Scrapbook Designs for $100 woo hoo, I rarely win anything like I could count on 1 hand kind of luck and so this has picked my week up out of the gutter and topped it!!! I am lovin the MM fresh anthology collection, gotta gotta gotta get me some of that range. Just lovin it all. Okay I am seriously not on anything but I guess I had to get on the up sometime and hey its FRIDAY what is not good about that.
Have a great weekend and hope you get some creating going on, Take care
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Relief in sight.
Today has been a major improvement on the last few. Mere male has settled down and actually looks a lot better for all the rest, he is back at work tomorrow on light duties. YAHOO, I might be able to get something done, he has helped me today I must add and has been a lot more lighter in energy, not this dark negative force that has been present most of the week. So my prayers were answered. Thank goodness.
I scrapped last night and felt a lot happier after that also. I must add that I lost .6 this week so that is 9.1 kgs in total. I fell off the perch a bit yesterday with my bad husband experience happening but hey today I made my vegie soup and got back on board so I will hope for a good loss this week.
That is about all to report today, will share a layout or 2 tomorrow. Best I be off to create 1.
Take care
Trace. Have a great Friday.
Today has been a major improvement on the last few. Mere male has settled down and actually looks a lot better for all the rest, he is back at work tomorrow on light duties. YAHOO, I might be able to get something done, he has helped me today I must add and has been a lot more lighter in energy, not this dark negative force that has been present most of the week. So my prayers were answered. Thank goodness.
I scrapped last night and felt a lot happier after that also. I must add that I lost .6 this week so that is 9.1 kgs in total. I fell off the perch a bit yesterday with my bad husband experience happening but hey today I made my vegie soup and got back on board so I will hope for a good loss this week.
That is about all to report today, will share a layout or 2 tomorrow. Best I be off to create 1.
Take care
Trace. Have a great Friday.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Brighter note.
On a much brighter note this is the kindy canvas I was telling you about last week. Rainee's group helped paint it and then each do their hand prints. The other group I cut felt out for and they sewed them together and around them. Today I stuck it all on and finished it. My trusty old cricut did the heading. It is bright and funky and fresh. The teacher is happy with the result so that is great.
I had so much fun doing this that I will do one with my own kidlets now on a rainy day. Get them to do their artwork and put a photo of them on it. Great way to record them and get the joy of seeing it everyday and you can go with colour scheme of your house.
I actually feel a bit better than last post thank goodness!!! I have mere male peeling potatoes ATM, I might just have to keep him busy so he lets up.
Well hope you are having a great day.
Take care
Trace. xx
What day is it???
OMG does the pace get any faster in life, I dont even know what day it is, my poor brain can't keep up, let alone my body, I am racing here and there ATM then end up so tired I still can't sleep. The mere Male of this house is driving me nuts. I just hate hearing about this bloody sore leg 20 thousand times a day and if he has to do something OMG you hear about it and he is so grumpy with it all. The poor kidlets he is angry at them, like hostile in his voice and depending on who is in question as to how much hostility they receive. I need to get him a 1 way bus ticket out of here to recover. While I was cleaning and running around he was watching the idiot box and now as I take 1o and update my blog he gets up and starts hounding me with questions and hastling me to watch a recorded show with him, "hello I dont have time". He is the worst patient in the world, you have to hear every detail of ache and pain and throb and if you dont sympathise with him he well you just clearly dont love him. POOOR DEARRR.
Okay vent about husband over or I will fill cyberspace up and no one else will be able to blog!! Trinity is back at school, thank goodness, she was past being home too, especially with the mere male around to make life so much more miserable for all concerned. So I finished the canvas project at school this morning with the kindy room. Will take camera and get pics this arvo. I am going to scrap tonight for sure, need to get some stress out of my system!! Well better go he is probably timing me, OMG I so love my space and time to myself when he is at work. He is becoming such a pain in the a## in his old age. Lord give me strength. Sorry to vent. I am looking for my happy place again I promise. LOL.
Take care
OMG does the pace get any faster in life, I dont even know what day it is, my poor brain can't keep up, let alone my body, I am racing here and there ATM then end up so tired I still can't sleep. The mere Male of this house is driving me nuts. I just hate hearing about this bloody sore leg 20 thousand times a day and if he has to do something OMG you hear about it and he is so grumpy with it all. The poor kidlets he is angry at them, like hostile in his voice and depending on who is in question as to how much hostility they receive. I need to get him a 1 way bus ticket out of here to recover. While I was cleaning and running around he was watching the idiot box and now as I take 1o and update my blog he gets up and starts hounding me with questions and hastling me to watch a recorded show with him, "hello I dont have time". He is the worst patient in the world, you have to hear every detail of ache and pain and throb and if you dont sympathise with him he well you just clearly dont love him. POOOR DEARRR.
Okay vent about husband over or I will fill cyberspace up and no one else will be able to blog!! Trinity is back at school, thank goodness, she was past being home too, especially with the mere male around to make life so much more miserable for all concerned. So I finished the canvas project at school this morning with the kindy room. Will take camera and get pics this arvo. I am going to scrap tonight for sure, need to get some stress out of my system!! Well better go he is probably timing me, OMG I so love my space and time to myself when he is at work. He is becoming such a pain in the a## in his old age. Lord give me strength. Sorry to vent. I am looking for my happy place again I promise. LOL.
Take care
Monday, May 21, 2007
Some fun.
I am sharing the latest L.O.'s and ATC's I have been working on. My MWAH L.O. is just a bit of fun, the kids and I mucked around in the car on Mother's Day while waiting for Tim but I love the looks on their faces, I am getting over my dislike of seeing this face in front of the camera only for the memory for the kids. Up till recently I hated my photos taken always waiting to loose weight and look better but if I continue to be like this the Kids will never have photos taken with me or any layouts about me so I have to just swallow the pride and be out there. Really hard for a self critic. I am constantly pulling myself apart. But trying to change that!! I would hate my Kids to grow up wasting their life with self critisism it is purely a waste of precious life!!!
The next layout is Mother's Day and the photos are not the best but they were taken by Tim and Keelan might just add that D.H.'s are the worst with the light all in the wrong place but hey at least they recorded the day and it was great.
These babies are for my next ATC swap. Tags is the theme. Love the colours they look great together.
And lastly is my L.O. for the Sketches Oz Blog. It was taken from Kim Archer's sketch and it was fun to do. I have finished this fortnights sketch but will post it after judging.
Sickies update. Tim is off work tomorrow and if no improvement maybe a few more days, having blood tests tomorrow and new dressing, it is some type of infection at this stage, will know more later. Trin is also off school till hopefully Wednesday. She is back on Antibiotics and cream. Hope she doesnt vomit tonight. Washing machine is sick of working and I am over it too. I had a moment tonight with them all, you know how it gets hearing all the sobs and whinging and running yourself ragged tending to them, D.H. is the worst I might add so I had an emotional erruption at tea time, fair dinkum enough is enough they nearly had me ready to cry I was so suppressed. So they have all shut it up for a while, praise the Lord!! Apart from the 2 year old telling me to stop and chill and Dad too it was definitely better out than in, had to be said geez you can only jump so high. So we are back on even ground thank goodness. And the demon 2 year old has been more himself today, now that's a bonus. Well thats all folks, LOL. Catch you next time.
Take care
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Feral 2 year old for sale.
What gives when a beautiful, loveable, well adjusted, adorable little boy suddenly turns into a monster. I mean really how do they just change overnight and then every day the balance of the good is traded with the bad until 90% of your day is spent with a horror??? Who created Human life to take on this trait??? And what kind of punishment and torture did they really want to subject us to?? You know the stage I am talking about when you loose the power to reason with them and spend all day on the edge as if they are quiet they are doing something wrong. I know we have all been there and we survive. But hell the 4th time around I am really so over it and to tell you the truth I have forgotten how to get through this stage. I mean I am what should be an "expert" now with number 4 but the truth is I have chilled completely and utterly out between No.3 and this stage and now and I can't even remember what worked back then. I keep looking at Father to put the breaks on but obviously he as "chilled" too because he just looks right back at me and blankly at that. But look at the pic up the top, do you think butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Don't be fooled remember he is "2". LOL. So yes from all this you can see Zay is being a handful, shouting, screaming, protesting so the next estate can hear him. It is all happening, going out the front and bringing home the neighbours Sunday Times, nice thought but can't be done!! I just hope that he will return to normal at a later date and I can go back to chill mode for a while!!! Yeh right who am I kidding. LOL.
Other news is Zay now has school sores on his ear, obviously comforted his Sister when she was ill and passed it on so he is now on antibiotics and Trin's ear has gone back to weeping so I think tomorrow she will need to go back for another dose. Then in the mean time Tim scrapped his leg at work and now that has turned into an aching festering mess. So he will take Trin to the Dr's in the morning and they can get that sorted out. They all have a cold and the complaints Oh it's killing me!! I hear about it all the time!!! Geez I hate winter ailments.
We did have a lovely weekend with the Kids besides all the above, went shopping with them yesterday morning with Zay protesting in the pram. Had a nice time at Muffin Break!! Today we went out to lunch at the Bull and Bush Tavern on the way to pick up Keelan, apart from the 2 year old challenges it was great. Lovely meal and real cozy pub. I love a cozy pub, it takes me back to the good old 18 & 19 year old days. Freedom, fun and relaxing. Then we went for a big drive and drooled over all these lovely places to live with some acres and hills. Love lush green hills and trees. LOVE IT. Dream on.
So the other pics are from last weekend, the sunset and the freedom of the kids, great to see the kids being free, Keelan took that shot so he is missing from it. Okay I am off now to chill for a while. Hope the week is easier for you and us all. Take care
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Busy Day
Today was going to be just Zay and I at home and catch up time for me with Trin now back at school but that all changed rather quick. I dropped Trin off and they all welcomed her back like royalty which was great for her.
I then took Rainee to her room and Thanked her teacher for letting Keelan be her drop off, pick up Person for a couple of days and then her teacher asked me what to do with this massive canvas she had been given to decorate up with photos of the kindy kids for the ball coming up. She had no idea what potential a canvas held. So I was giving her a few ideas when she asked if I had time this morning to make a start on it with the kids. So I was thrown in the deep end and had these very helpful, quiet little Kindy children to help me paint it all turqoise and then they all put their hand prints on it in fluoro colours at either side and then I had to come home and cut felt circles for the other kindy class to sew which will all go around the photos and got the cricut to cut the heading Kindy 2007. I took in some tape for the teacher to put the photos on with but she wants me to now help finalise it on Monday. In between all this I had to fly home and cook 2 chocolate cakes, 1 is for Trin's cake raffle tomorrow, ice and decorate it, get pumpkin soup cut up and fly back to school to pick them up and then ended up having my meeting with Trin's teacher.
In between all that I got a thumping headache but I didnt have time to stop. But I enjoyed being in Rainee's class, they are a delightful bunch of kids and Zay had a great time being 1 of them. So cute. So our quiet day ended up very busy in other ways but I still got everything I needed to do done. I just pray the canvas looks awesome when finished or I will feel like a failure. So I hope tomorrow will be less hectic with the 2 little ones home and shopping to fit in there at some stage.
Trin is going well at school according to her teacher although very chatty and loud. Nothing we don't know!! I also found out that she has an imaginery friend. She was talking a few weeks back about this new friend of hers from the other class named Alabina and told me all these wonderful things about her how she was really clever with acrobatics and her Mother had taught her as she used to be in a circus etc. It was really amazing what she used to tell me about this little girl, Trin even showed me how she walked and what Alabina had taught her and how she had cryed when Alabina and her family moved to the next town but her teacher knew nothing about this girl and then we worked out that she must be her imaginery friend and realised she was going through a rough time then and this was how she coped, she created her own friend to play with as she will often go off on her own when the kids are giving her a hard time. Anyway the teacher is going to watch this girl who is giving her a hard time and keep them separated where possible but she said Trin is starting to play better with the kids and not being so bossy. So I just have to keep being really positive with her and watch how I answer her about things as I can turn her around in her thinking. Hope that makes sense. It is funny how popular she is at school but how she tells me the opposite at home. Having her home sick has given us special time together and I really think she feels so much better about our relationship now so it will make a difference for her. Having 4 is very hard to give them all some special time with just me when somewhere along the way I need a break as well but I am really trying to tune into them even more and keep all happy and content, they get so jealous but when 1 of them gets more of my time, like even Keelan was getting put out with Trin being home with me so much. Funny but I can remember being the same with my Mum. Anyway before I know it another novel has taken shape, sorry about that. Take care
Today was going to be just Zay and I at home and catch up time for me with Trin now back at school but that all changed rather quick. I dropped Trin off and they all welcomed her back like royalty which was great for her.
I then took Rainee to her room and Thanked her teacher for letting Keelan be her drop off, pick up Person for a couple of days and then her teacher asked me what to do with this massive canvas she had been given to decorate up with photos of the kindy kids for the ball coming up. She had no idea what potential a canvas held. So I was giving her a few ideas when she asked if I had time this morning to make a start on it with the kids. So I was thrown in the deep end and had these very helpful, quiet little Kindy children to help me paint it all turqoise and then they all put their hand prints on it in fluoro colours at either side and then I had to come home and cut felt circles for the other kindy class to sew which will all go around the photos and got the cricut to cut the heading Kindy 2007. I took in some tape for the teacher to put the photos on with but she wants me to now help finalise it on Monday. In between all this I had to fly home and cook 2 chocolate cakes, 1 is for Trin's cake raffle tomorrow, ice and decorate it, get pumpkin soup cut up and fly back to school to pick them up and then ended up having my meeting with Trin's teacher.
In between all that I got a thumping headache but I didnt have time to stop. But I enjoyed being in Rainee's class, they are a delightful bunch of kids and Zay had a great time being 1 of them. So cute. So our quiet day ended up very busy in other ways but I still got everything I needed to do done. I just pray the canvas looks awesome when finished or I will feel like a failure. So I hope tomorrow will be less hectic with the 2 little ones home and shopping to fit in there at some stage.
Trin is going well at school according to her teacher although very chatty and loud. Nothing we don't know!! I also found out that she has an imaginery friend. She was talking a few weeks back about this new friend of hers from the other class named Alabina and told me all these wonderful things about her how she was really clever with acrobatics and her Mother had taught her as she used to be in a circus etc. It was really amazing what she used to tell me about this little girl, Trin even showed me how she walked and what Alabina had taught her and how she had cryed when Alabina and her family moved to the next town but her teacher knew nothing about this girl and then we worked out that she must be her imaginery friend and realised she was going through a rough time then and this was how she coped, she created her own friend to play with as she will often go off on her own when the kids are giving her a hard time. Anyway the teacher is going to watch this girl who is giving her a hard time and keep them separated where possible but she said Trin is starting to play better with the kids and not being so bossy. So I just have to keep being really positive with her and watch how I answer her about things as I can turn her around in her thinking. Hope that makes sense. It is funny how popular she is at school but how she tells me the opposite at home. Having her home sick has given us special time together and I really think she feels so much better about our relationship now so it will make a difference for her. Having 4 is very hard to give them all some special time with just me when somewhere along the way I need a break as well but I am really trying to tune into them even more and keep all happy and content, they get so jealous but when 1 of them gets more of my time, like even Keelan was getting put out with Trin being home with me so much. Funny but I can remember being the same with my Mum. Anyway before I know it another novel has taken shape, sorry about that. Take care
Monday, May 14, 2007
3rd and last.
This is the last pic for today. It is the other side of my book with the Kidlets all on it and journalling and about my garden also.
Okay that is all for now. Feeling very inspired with things ATM so I am trying to make hay while the sun shines so to speak and keep creating. Tim is getting over the flu still but better than he has been over the weekend. Trin is better, sores on her ear are nearly gone so she is still home till then.
Bye for now. Take care
more creations.
Hi again.
This is my latest L.O. I painted the jigsaw and made the L.O. based around life as a Mother and what is happening in my life ATM. I painted the jigsaw and then used the pearl glaze from Making memories on this and love how it turned out. I have given myself a mission to use all of this kit from Lime tart. Love the colours.
This book is also out of the kit. I have based the theme around the fact that I am turning (ouch, cringe, OMG) this year and that I want to reflect what some of the important things are to me and
I have 1 more page to upload now and then that is it for today.
Latest goodies.
Just sharing some creations I have done lately.
First L.O. is of my very sick Children back in O5. They got chicken pox really bad each 1 of them, Keelan only had about 5 spots or so but he had been vaccinated against the chicken pox!! But these 3 and especially Zaylan had it bad. But they used to say they had chicken spots. so funny.
The next is from a class I did at the LSS on Saturday arvo, it was using the melting pot which I have 1 sitting here and havent used yet so I thought it would be great to go and learn something about it rather than teach myself. It was fun and these shell embellishments turned out funky.
We painted the box using MM paints, the new pearl glaze is just fab, I lurve MM paints so thick and quick drying. It was fun to get messy paint, I loved the unique ideas Felicity put into this basic box.
Take care
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day.

Happy Mother's Day to you all, hope you have had a good one. I have been spoilt and had a lovely day with my Kidlets. They went shopping and bought me a special little gift each. It is so great to get what they have made at school and then a personal little gift which they shopped for yesterday and bought me. Each gift is just so them. Hubby teased me and said last night I might have a new Canon 400D coming my way but that is too over the top for Mother's Day but I did get a little excited but instead I got some clinique products so that is good. To me it is about the day with them no matter what and they all made a big effort for me today, mind you the restaurant Tim picked to take me to was very posh, not really what I would take such young children to but the Kidlets behaved well, Trin just spun out at the lounge in the toilet and the great smelling hand soap and a personal paper towel to wipe your hands on. Keelan wants to eat there everyday so I have told him to study hard and have a big pay cheque, as Tim found out when he payed the bill, LOL. I think KFC will be on the menu next year. LOL. Well he booked and chose it, it was a set menu and we had Atlantic Salmon, never had salmon before so it was good to have no choice, it was all very nice and dessert was just out of this world.
I have lots more to share through the week, lots of scrapping I have done lately so I will catch you then. Have a great day for the rest of it. Take care
Friday, May 11, 2007
De-clutter bug.
I had lunch with Oprah again today and she had a really interesting guy on, he is all about getting rid of the clutter in our lives, how having obesity or weight problems and clutter go hand in hand and how their is underlying issues for us personally if we have clutter in our house.
Well the family they did the show on OMG clutter, you have not seen clutter, I go off about my house being feral, but geez next time I should take a chill pill. These guys have not thrown out a thing since getting together and they have since put 4 children into the picture. Far out it was amazing but great the girls watched it as their chins hit the floor also. They now understand why Mum is like a cracked record. But seriously this Lady brought each of her girls a new item of clothing a day. And let me tell you most of it was on the floor. A path was all you could see throughout the house for them to walk on. I dont know where they sat as the lounge was stacked high. Poor people, she was a lovely lady too but I think 4 children really overwhelmed her and she took to the shops to escape.
Anyhow once the show finished I was inspired to get my walk in robe done, I have clothes, clothes and more clothes and every size available and from many years ago to now, so I got serious and filled the floor with clothes, I now have 2 big garbage bags for charity and 1 big bag for garage sale although I may even throw that to charity. Then I thought about my scrap room and shed and I am ready to get rid of more. This house doesnt need nick nack or clutter, it looks fine with little around so I will get rid of the stored items that dont suit here and stop hanging onto it. I got lots of great advice from this guy, should have written his name down as he has a book. But I really liked his whole concept on it all. Anyway I will be back into it on Monday and I will be putting a lot more in the bin when I clean up from now on!!
Trin is improving, although she was vomiting last night but her ear is looking better, the staph bug is under control thank goodness, that is a scary little bug and it works fast too. Today she was running and the dog tripped her over and she had a bag in her hand full of her treasures and she came down hard on it. She screamed so I ran and got her up and saw pens etc in her bag and she said " Ouch I broke my Boobie" I tried so hard not to laugh but then tonight I lifted the bag and found a big rock in it, ouch no wonder she nearly broke her boobie and her rib too. Keelan has finished swimming lessons yay, no more wet towels and clothes. He finds out next week if he passed. On that note I am off to scrap.
Take care
I had lunch with Oprah again today and she had a really interesting guy on, he is all about getting rid of the clutter in our lives, how having obesity or weight problems and clutter go hand in hand and how their is underlying issues for us personally if we have clutter in our house.
Well the family they did the show on OMG clutter, you have not seen clutter, I go off about my house being feral, but geez next time I should take a chill pill. These guys have not thrown out a thing since getting together and they have since put 4 children into the picture. Far out it was amazing but great the girls watched it as their chins hit the floor also. They now understand why Mum is like a cracked record. But seriously this Lady brought each of her girls a new item of clothing a day. And let me tell you most of it was on the floor. A path was all you could see throughout the house for them to walk on. I dont know where they sat as the lounge was stacked high. Poor people, she was a lovely lady too but I think 4 children really overwhelmed her and she took to the shops to escape.
Anyhow once the show finished I was inspired to get my walk in robe done, I have clothes, clothes and more clothes and every size available and from many years ago to now, so I got serious and filled the floor with clothes, I now have 2 big garbage bags for charity and 1 big bag for garage sale although I may even throw that to charity. Then I thought about my scrap room and shed and I am ready to get rid of more. This house doesnt need nick nack or clutter, it looks fine with little around so I will get rid of the stored items that dont suit here and stop hanging onto it. I got lots of great advice from this guy, should have written his name down as he has a book. But I really liked his whole concept on it all. Anyway I will be back into it on Monday and I will be putting a lot more in the bin when I clean up from now on!!
Trin is improving, although she was vomiting last night but her ear is looking better, the staph bug is under control thank goodness, that is a scary little bug and it works fast too. Today she was running and the dog tripped her over and she had a bag in her hand full of her treasures and she came down hard on it. She screamed so I ran and got her up and saw pens etc in her bag and she said " Ouch I broke my Boobie" I tried so hard not to laugh but then tonight I lifted the bag and found a big rock in it, ouch no wonder she nearly broke her boobie and her rib too. Keelan has finished swimming lessons yay, no more wet towels and clothes. He finds out next week if he passed. On that note I am off to scrap.
Take care
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Update on Trinity.
Well Trin showed no improvement overnight, her ear was twice the size this morning and just yuck. So I dropped 2 at school and then came home and made her a Dr's appt. Thankfully I could get 1 this morning. The Dr looked in her throat and jumped back and said "Oh Dear, you poor little thing" then asked if I had seen it. He said it was a wonder she was so bright as most other kids would have been knocked flat with a throat like that. It is full of gunk to put it nice. Tonsilitis, so then I show him her ear and he said OMG that is something completely different and will need a whole different antibiotic, that is a staph infection. It is travelling over her whole body now, she has breakouts of it everywhere and they are blisters that ooze gunk, can you tell I dont like saying that "pu**" word, just makes me cringe. So I spoilt her a little while getting the scripts filled and when I gave them to her she said "Oh Mum, that is so nice of you", she has been so brave to be so sick and not complain too much that it was the least I could do to brighten her up, a cute little denim purse that had its own lipgloss attached and then a couple of other little things for lips and shimmer creme.
She is starting to eat now and I have to pump the antibiotics in 7 times a day. I just hope her ear gets better it is nasty and highly infectious so I am on the big cleansing routine double fold, clean towels everyday and keeping the other kids from touching it even when playing with her is hard. So she is home till it heals and she is missing the school work, not the friends she tells me but the teachers and the work. I scrubbed the bathroom today and have no sense of smell left. lol seriously give me the natural cleaners anyday. Well off to catch some sleep, totally wiped out after todays effort. Take care
Well Trin showed no improvement overnight, her ear was twice the size this morning and just yuck. So I dropped 2 at school and then came home and made her a Dr's appt. Thankfully I could get 1 this morning. The Dr looked in her throat and jumped back and said "Oh Dear, you poor little thing" then asked if I had seen it. He said it was a wonder she was so bright as most other kids would have been knocked flat with a throat like that. It is full of gunk to put it nice. Tonsilitis, so then I show him her ear and he said OMG that is something completely different and will need a whole different antibiotic, that is a staph infection. It is travelling over her whole body now, she has breakouts of it everywhere and they are blisters that ooze gunk, can you tell I dont like saying that "pu**" word, just makes me cringe. So I spoilt her a little while getting the scripts filled and when I gave them to her she said "Oh Mum, that is so nice of you", she has been so brave to be so sick and not complain too much that it was the least I could do to brighten her up, a cute little denim purse that had its own lipgloss attached and then a couple of other little things for lips and shimmer creme.
She is starting to eat now and I have to pump the antibiotics in 7 times a day. I just hope her ear gets better it is nasty and highly infectious so I am on the big cleansing routine double fold, clean towels everyday and keeping the other kids from touching it even when playing with her is hard. So she is home till it heals and she is missing the school work, not the friends she tells me but the teachers and the work. I scrubbed the bathroom today and have no sense of smell left. lol seriously give me the natural cleaners anyday. Well off to catch some sleep, totally wiped out after todays effort. Take care
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Happy Birthday Mum!
Big Happy Birthday wish to my Mum, wish we could see you today but hoping soon we will catch up more without you still moving and getting settled, it has be a long process.
Went to W.W. meeting tonight put on .3 this week grrr but it was the Sunday celebration and probably the week I had. Back on the right track tomorrow.
Poor Trin is sick, she has tonsilitis and some funny thing happening to her ear. I have been the attending nurse on duty today and she has been very quiet. She is sleeping on the sick bed tonight in the kids room so I can hear her as when the panadol wears off she starts moaning and waking Rainee up. Zay is looking like he is going flat too, I ask him if he is sick and he says "yeh sick" and points to the back of his throat. Hope Trin is not going to go down the same road as Keelan and need her tonsil removed, she seems to have these throat infections more than colds lately.
I am working on a mini book ATM so that is fun but feel like my creative streak has fallen in a hole. I think I take too long to do a L.O. and I am not liking my style ATM. Hang in there I suppose, still have far too much product to use. Do you ever feel like people say your L.O.'s are nice when really they may think they stink??? I often wonder when people have said they like them if they just say that to be nice. I am not meaning on my blog but IRL. I am having some issues ATM and questioning if I am too amateur to even be putting my L.O.'s up here. I know I scrap for my memories and Children but I just hope people don't laugh at what I do, I must sound insecure but I have these funny doubts run through my mind and especially when I see so many talented Ladies just doing better and better L.O.'s all the time yet I am struggling to find what direction I am going with it all. I dont know maybe I just need to wait until I have more time down the track. I can always remember in Art class, I absolutely loved what I did and thought the teacher would give me great marks but I was always marked down, I used to feel so proud of myself and then in 1 foul swoop he would flatten me, in the end I thought I suck at art so I wont try anymore.
Its late and I am rambling and should go to bed but if anyone would like to delurk and comment on what they think about my past work I would value the input as I dont submit any work or post on sites due to thinking it is not good enough and I am okay with it if I am not, it would really help me decide where I am going with my scrapping if I had some honesty. Thanks for reading. Take care
Big Happy Birthday wish to my Mum, wish we could see you today but hoping soon we will catch up more without you still moving and getting settled, it has be a long process.
Went to W.W. meeting tonight put on .3 this week grrr but it was the Sunday celebration and probably the week I had. Back on the right track tomorrow.
Poor Trin is sick, she has tonsilitis and some funny thing happening to her ear. I have been the attending nurse on duty today and she has been very quiet. She is sleeping on the sick bed tonight in the kids room so I can hear her as when the panadol wears off she starts moaning and waking Rainee up. Zay is looking like he is going flat too, I ask him if he is sick and he says "yeh sick" and points to the back of his throat. Hope Trin is not going to go down the same road as Keelan and need her tonsil removed, she seems to have these throat infections more than colds lately.
I am working on a mini book ATM so that is fun but feel like my creative streak has fallen in a hole. I think I take too long to do a L.O. and I am not liking my style ATM. Hang in there I suppose, still have far too much product to use. Do you ever feel like people say your L.O.'s are nice when really they may think they stink??? I often wonder when people have said they like them if they just say that to be nice. I am not meaning on my blog but IRL. I am having some issues ATM and questioning if I am too amateur to even be putting my L.O.'s up here. I know I scrap for my memories and Children but I just hope people don't laugh at what I do, I must sound insecure but I have these funny doubts run through my mind and especially when I see so many talented Ladies just doing better and better L.O.'s all the time yet I am struggling to find what direction I am going with it all. I dont know maybe I just need to wait until I have more time down the track. I can always remember in Art class, I absolutely loved what I did and thought the teacher would give me great marks but I was always marked down, I used to feel so proud of myself and then in 1 foul swoop he would flatten me, in the end I thought I suck at art so I wont try anymore.
Its late and I am rambling and should go to bed but if anyone would like to delurk and comment on what they think about my past work I would value the input as I dont submit any work or post on sites due to thinking it is not good enough and I am okay with it if I am not, it would really help me decide where I am going with my scrapping if I had some honesty. Thanks for reading. Take care
Monday, May 07, 2007
Autumn in my garden
I am pleased to say that Sunday was a major improvement in this house, we are back on track for now!! We had a lovely lunch celebration with Tim's family as we wont see them this week for Mother's Day. We had good wine and good food and I found out last night in my tipsy uncomfortable state that my tummy has shrunk and I can't put away what I used to. OMG I don't want to feel like that again, I thought I was moderate in what I had but probably the foods I am not used of having and fats I dont have anymore. But the vanilla slices I made were yum and I could not resist having a treat. It was really nice for me to relax and chill and unwind after the week I have had.
Rainee's new style has been noticed by all, classic today at school when my Girlfriend who cuts our hair saw it, I forgot to tell her this morning on the phone. She just burst out "OMG what happened to your hair"? I pointed to Trin and she said "No one cuts your hair but me"!! Poor Trin nearly burst into tears but I think the message was well and truly enforced back to her. Karina then told her if she wanted to be a hairdresser she needed to wait until she was older and learn how it is done. Other good news the Photo turned up, the Girl Trin had showed the photo to noticed it fell out of her bag and was so decent to take it home for the weekend and give it to Keelan today. So happy about that. Trin is not well ATM so I will keep her home tomorrow and try and get her feeling better. The kids are picking at her at school again so I have a meeting with her teacher next week and then I will see what is going on. I am even having trouble with Rainee not wanting to go to school now as she said the kids are mean to her. OMG I wish I was a fly on the wall and could see what is going on. I don't tend to jump to my kids defense too quick, try and sus out the situation but this is ongoing so I really need to try and get to the bottom of this, her behaviour at home of late is obviously reflecting something from school. Why are kids so mean??? Today she has a sore on her ear and they have all given her a hard time over it, made her feel like a leper. So a few days at home while she gets better might pick her spirits up and get rid of her sore throat and sore ear. Poor chick.
Other than that not much else going on just loving the colours of Autumn and soaking it all in.
Take care
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Anyone for a cropped fringe???
I am back with more on the D.D. from hell. This morning started off very early in this household and my kidlets don't get up quiet by any means it is full throttle and fog horns blearing, lucky we are on half an acre or the neighbours would be really kicking up. So Tim and I urge each other to get out and check on them and I eventually got up once the cupboards started opening and closing and got them some cereal and then jumped back into bed, MISTAKE No. 1. Tim got up once we heard the bar stools get dragged across the floor but by the time he got dressed and got into the kitchen the trouble had begun. Hence the top photo, Tim finds the 3 little ones in the bathroom looking soooo guilty and D.D.
So that was my impressive day. The last bad act they did was break the biggest branch off my jacaranda tree which they seem to love to swing off and have been told for a year now not to do it but today they excelled and took it out for sure. They ran like skun rabbits after that as Tim caught them trying to hide the evidence. So I have Ban the T.V. for a week and next it will be their bikes if they even dare to beat this act tomorrow.
Onto a more happier note, I created last night. The above L.O. using those pics that mean something but are not necessarily that good a shots. I think it is bright and happy. I have to say that with 8.7kgs off I am now feeling more energetic and so much better in myself, I can only imagine how I will feel when I get right down to what I should be. It is just so good to be fitting into clothes that I have not been able to wear for so long. The other day I wore some jeans I was wearing when Rainee was 9 months old so I have not been in them for 4 years but they have to go out as they are the old style of high waist jeans and I feel like I am wearing pants up to my neck well they nearly are. I remember when the hipsters came out I swore I would not wear them and now I cant go back to the high waist job. LOL. We are having Mother's Day early tomorrow with Tim's Mum so I will have to be good as I would like a kilo a week off now before my Birthday. Okay enough rambling, I am off to create. Thanks for reading all this I hope to laugh one day when I remind Trin how many grey hairs she gave us. Take care
Trace. xxx
Friday, May 04, 2007
Does every Family have one??
Today I have been able to get everything super organised so very happy about that but on another front I am at war with myself as to whether I am the Mother from HELL or just normal. Does every Family have 1 child who will always be in the wrong place at the wrong time, have trouble with friends, break things, retaliate and always get caught, push buttons way beyond pushing and then loose stuff???? I really need to know if anyone can answer for me and shed some light if this is normal.
Take today for example I go to pick up the kids from school and I see Trin walking along waving her school photos around in the air and think to myself "Oh No, why doesnt she put them in her bag" like I see her Brother has. Anyway I pick them up and home we come, get inside and everyone is busting to see the photos. I start looking in Trin's pack and her class photo is missing, turns out she showed 1 of the other girls who is in Keelan's class and then she put it in her bag but it's not in her bag, so then we get upset, we being me at her and her at me, so when calm returns I ask her to retrace steps and she remembers that maybe it fell out when she was swinging her bag around upside down, {well HELLO, that would probably do it!} LOL so I rang the school and as yet it has not been handed into the office but with all the kids waiting for pickup it is probably trodden on and not worth the paper it is printed on.
I don't know how to make her responsible anymore, she is such a day dreamer and so hard to get through to, she is so worried about everybody else instead of herself and now her little friend from school has left and she is starting to go through the emotional rollercoaster she went through in first term. I know I am too hard on her but dont know whether being soft would do her any good either, if she gets an inch she will run a mile. So I feel challenged so much with her ATM, she is the sweetest Child and so very emotional and sensitive so it breaks my heart to be hard on her but I just can't bring the message home to her to be responsible for herself and her stuff. What a weird week I have had, I seem to have had every emotion to deal.
Well lets hope the weekend brings us all some emotional healing or miracle and we can get back on track. Take care
Today I have been able to get everything super organised so very happy about that but on another front I am at war with myself as to whether I am the Mother from HELL or just normal. Does every Family have 1 child who will always be in the wrong place at the wrong time, have trouble with friends, break things, retaliate and always get caught, push buttons way beyond pushing and then loose stuff???? I really need to know if anyone can answer for me and shed some light if this is normal.
Take today for example I go to pick up the kids from school and I see Trin walking along waving her school photos around in the air and think to myself "Oh No, why doesnt she put them in her bag" like I see her Brother has. Anyway I pick them up and home we come, get inside and everyone is busting to see the photos. I start looking in Trin's pack and her class photo is missing, turns out she showed 1 of the other girls who is in Keelan's class and then she put it in her bag but it's not in her bag, so then we get upset, we being me at her and her at me, so when calm returns I ask her to retrace steps and she remembers that maybe it fell out when she was swinging her bag around upside down, {well HELLO, that would probably do it!} LOL so I rang the school and as yet it has not been handed into the office but with all the kids waiting for pickup it is probably trodden on and not worth the paper it is printed on.
I don't know how to make her responsible anymore, she is such a day dreamer and so hard to get through to, she is so worried about everybody else instead of herself and now her little friend from school has left and she is starting to go through the emotional rollercoaster she went through in first term. I know I am too hard on her but dont know whether being soft would do her any good either, if she gets an inch she will run a mile. So I feel challenged so much with her ATM, she is the sweetest Child and so very emotional and sensitive so it breaks my heart to be hard on her but I just can't bring the message home to her to be responsible for herself and her stuff. What a weird week I have had, I seem to have had every emotion to deal.
Well lets hope the weekend brings us all some emotional healing or miracle and we can get back on track. Take care
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Messy Day
Today has just been a mess from start to finish. LOL. I have to have humour as my patience has been stretched beyond spring back today. Just had so much energy to achieve heaps today and every darn thing that could step in the way did. I was running late getting the kids to school so I dropped them off and ran, no time to do puzzles this morning. Came home and got stuck into getting the house organised, it didnt seem to want to happen really, you know when you are getting no where no matter how fast or much you are working, not even Zay was being a problem really I dont know it just was messy, so I got in my scrap room and literally pulled out all the stuff lurking in corners and stacks on the mill etc, at one point a guy came to the door and I couldnt get out the scrap room without breaking my neck and it was even all in the hallway.
So then Zay did come and start being a problem, he was getting into it all, computer started having things on it I didnt know it had etc all at the hands of a little 2.5 year old and when it is his bed time he gets on a role of naughtiness, so off we went and read 2 stories and bedded him down and it was lunch time so stopped for quick lunch break, had just finished that when the phone rang, Keelan was not feeling well so I needed to go and get him, so up I get little man, he so hates that, his bed is his sacred ground to him so I carry him to the car and go and get Keelan and home we get and Zay was not going back to bed. So then I became nurse, chef anything you like really, I dont think Keelan was all that bad and I think by the end of the day he realised he probably could have stayed at school as it is boring when Mum wont let you on the computer when you are sick you just have to lay and get better.
So anyway we get the girls from school and today is the first day of their swimming lessons so off we go, Zay in pram, Keelan armed with book and the girls get changed all excited, go and meet their teacher and Rainee looks nervously at me as I walk away, everything crossed she is okay but I have to tell you I heard this teacher talking to the other teacher before the start of the lesson and I had to wonder how they would react to her, lets just say she doesnt appear to have a Motherly tone in her body, straight to the point, cut the crap kind of a lady. So I go back to my chair and let Zay out of the pram and watch them walk to the other side of the pool and then I see Rainee sit but that is it, she resists anything the lady asks of her and then I look over and the tears are happening and so the teacher ignores the girls and just gets the 2 little boys to do stuff she tells them, next minute Rainee bolted for me and the teacher just shrugged it off and continues the lesson, Trin did a couple more things although by this stage she is looking like bolting too, so on the next command that is it, Trin is up and out of there. The teacher looks at me but then continues to go on with the lesson. So I got the girls dressed and went and asked reception if I could get my money back and we were out of there. I was steaming. The girls just didnt even give it a go but to tell the truth this woman had vibes coming off her loud and clear, she was complaining to start with how many lessons she had and with real dread in her voice about it all so what the hell is she doing working with kids in that sort of environment if she is not interested in kids. HELLO, job change needed. My kids swim really well, we have a spa and a friend has a pool and they swim at the beach, no probs, Trin does somersaults and duck dives in the water so her water confidence is not an issue, the teacher was all over the boys as once she told them to do something they did it, obviously they are used to swimming lessons however this was the first time for my girls. So that topped off the day!!! Came home with cranky Mum, cranky Zay for missing his sleep, Trin crying because she didnt like swimming lessons and Keelan not saying a word and Rainee well she gets on a role to do it all wrong once I have the cranks. So I hope tomorrow is a better day. We have not had a bad day for ages so I guess we were due one.
Other news I lost .7 this week so thats 8.7 kilos in total I have lost. Happy with that, just want to be better this week and make it at least a kilo by next week. We are into the soups and casseroles now with the cool weather so that is good. Slow cooker is doing its thing.
Take care
Today has just been a mess from start to finish. LOL. I have to have humour as my patience has been stretched beyond spring back today. Just had so much energy to achieve heaps today and every darn thing that could step in the way did. I was running late getting the kids to school so I dropped them off and ran, no time to do puzzles this morning. Came home and got stuck into getting the house organised, it didnt seem to want to happen really, you know when you are getting no where no matter how fast or much you are working, not even Zay was being a problem really I dont know it just was messy, so I got in my scrap room and literally pulled out all the stuff lurking in corners and stacks on the mill etc, at one point a guy came to the door and I couldnt get out the scrap room without breaking my neck and it was even all in the hallway.
So then Zay did come and start being a problem, he was getting into it all, computer started having things on it I didnt know it had etc all at the hands of a little 2.5 year old and when it is his bed time he gets on a role of naughtiness, so off we went and read 2 stories and bedded him down and it was lunch time so stopped for quick lunch break, had just finished that when the phone rang, Keelan was not feeling well so I needed to go and get him, so up I get little man, he so hates that, his bed is his sacred ground to him so I carry him to the car and go and get Keelan and home we get and Zay was not going back to bed. So then I became nurse, chef anything you like really, I dont think Keelan was all that bad and I think by the end of the day he realised he probably could have stayed at school as it is boring when Mum wont let you on the computer when you are sick you just have to lay and get better.
So anyway we get the girls from school and today is the first day of their swimming lessons so off we go, Zay in pram, Keelan armed with book and the girls get changed all excited, go and meet their teacher and Rainee looks nervously at me as I walk away, everything crossed she is okay but I have to tell you I heard this teacher talking to the other teacher before the start of the lesson and I had to wonder how they would react to her, lets just say she doesnt appear to have a Motherly tone in her body, straight to the point, cut the crap kind of a lady. So I go back to my chair and let Zay out of the pram and watch them walk to the other side of the pool and then I see Rainee sit but that is it, she resists anything the lady asks of her and then I look over and the tears are happening and so the teacher ignores the girls and just gets the 2 little boys to do stuff she tells them, next minute Rainee bolted for me and the teacher just shrugged it off and continues the lesson, Trin did a couple more things although by this stage she is looking like bolting too, so on the next command that is it, Trin is up and out of there. The teacher looks at me but then continues to go on with the lesson. So I got the girls dressed and went and asked reception if I could get my money back and we were out of there. I was steaming. The girls just didnt even give it a go but to tell the truth this woman had vibes coming off her loud and clear, she was complaining to start with how many lessons she had and with real dread in her voice about it all so what the hell is she doing working with kids in that sort of environment if she is not interested in kids. HELLO, job change needed. My kids swim really well, we have a spa and a friend has a pool and they swim at the beach, no probs, Trin does somersaults and duck dives in the water so her water confidence is not an issue, the teacher was all over the boys as once she told them to do something they did it, obviously they are used to swimming lessons however this was the first time for my girls. So that topped off the day!!! Came home with cranky Mum, cranky Zay for missing his sleep, Trin crying because she didnt like swimming lessons and Keelan not saying a word and Rainee well she gets on a role to do it all wrong once I have the cranks. So I hope tomorrow is a better day. We have not had a bad day for ages so I guess we were due one.
Other news I lost .7 this week so thats 8.7 kilos in total I have lost. Happy with that, just want to be better this week and make it at least a kilo by next week. We are into the soups and casseroles now with the cool weather so that is good. Slow cooker is doing its thing.
Take care
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About Me
- Tracey Bower
- I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
Blogs of talented Ladies I love to visit
Blog Archive
- Wow Wednesday
- Happy place.
- Relief in sight.
- Brighter note.
- What day is it???
- Oops
- Some fun.
- Feral 2 year old for sale.
- Busy Day
- 3rd and last.
- more creations.
- Latest goodies.
- Happy Mother's Day.
- De-clutter bug.
- Update on Trinity.
- Happy Birthday Mum!
- Autumn in my garden
- Anyone for a cropped fringe???
- Does every Family have one??
- Messy Day