Thursday, February 07, 2008

What a laugh.

These 2 are soooo funny, I have to share a story with you about them. Wednesday is bin day here and Keelan puts them out Tuesday nights, this week he put both out but Tim came home and told us he didn't think it was recycle day as across the road and us where the only ones with both out.

Sooo after tea and just as it was bed time I grabbed Keelan and asked him to come for a walk with me and see what the general consensus was in the neighbourhood. The girls started to beg to come too but I told them to stay with Dad and we would be back in a minute. They started to cry and carry on and we left.

We wondered up to the top of the road and checked out what was happening and decided it was only 1 bin day. So Keelan took the recycle bin back up the back yard and I found some more fern out the front garden and decided to pull it out while enjoying some peace. Keelan meanwhile had gone back inside. I came back inside and washed my hands and then I heard Rainee exclaim "Yes she is home, Trini, Mum came home" to which they both seemed relieved and hopped into bed. I went into the kitchen and Keelan was cracking up laughing, I asked him what was up and he said " Mum this was classic, I went down to my room and the girls were kneeling together at the side of the bed saying Please God Please bring Mum and Keelan home, we miss them and we want them home now" next minute as Keelan appeared at their door they got so excited saying " Keelan it worked it worked, we prayed for you and Mum to come home and you did". Keelan said I am home but Mum isn't yet so he said they got back kneeling and started praying for me to come home and he said next minute I opened the front door and came in and they started jumping around excited again exclaiming "see Keelan it works, it works, we prayed and Mum came home."

I nearly wet myself when Keelan told me this story, they crack me up. Keelan and I still giggle about it now, how loved are we. LOL.

Yesterday Keelan got some news that flawed him and now he is extremely disappointed about how Year 7 will go, his teacher announced she is Pregnant and will be leaving mid year. Just another repeat of last year, this class had a teacher leave due to other problems mid year last year and they really found it hard to adjust to another teacher 2 days a week as they were already a class with 2 teachers. I had to lighten his mood up a bit by telling him to ask the Girls to pray he gets another great teacher to replace her. The girls eagerly promised him they would because their Prayers come true!!! What little angels they can be.

Random thought for today. No matter how bad a day you may have, grab your Children and have a hug, they always have great energy and love to pass onto you.

Off now to scrapbook so hopefully tomorrow I will have EYE CANDY. Take care and have a great Thursday, I heart Thursdays. Trace.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation Trace, Tim had about 16 different relief teachers in yr 7 and his grades had gone down from QLD's schooling and we were sick with worry - going into highschool etc...well he did so well in highschool and wasn't lagging behind like we thought - the other thing is you could think of it this way - Tim has so many teachers in highschool and they have changed again from yr 8-9 so you could tell Keelan it is getting him ready for all those different teachers in highschool - just a thought. I cried over Tim's school situation so I do understand. (((hugs))) Court :)

About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
