Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Here we go again.

I was having a great day today, shopping this morning with Zay and home and got shopping all packed away then some paperwork this arvo and then into my study as I was finally able to get my head into it today. Tim came home early due to a blowing gale and sand getting blown everywhere so that was a nice surprise and Zay got some time one on one in with his Dad which gave me about an hour of quiet time. All was going great.

This morning before school I noticed Trin had really dark rings under her eyes and I knew she was tired. When we got to school I noticed she was being a little silly about things and told her after listening to her read to settle down and be good today but she seemed to just block it out.

She comes home this arvo with a comment in the communication book which really upset me, the teacher basically asked me to talk to her about her behaviour today, moving her desk without permission, annoying other students by patting/hitting their head. But the last comment really upset me the most. "I would love the children to stop complaining about her". Wow that seems a really harsh comment to me and I would love some feedback from my friends here as I know some of you are teachers. I guess that comment screams to me she is an annoying little so and so, you best deal with her as the other children have had enough of her.

I have observed numerous times in the morning how she is to others and how others treat her and I have walked away some days upset for her as when the teachers are busy and not looking she is pushed aside and has books snatched from her hand and she just does not react, she will select another book and say nothing. I think if she was so bad that she would always be on the ready to give back what she gets but I dont see any sort of mean streak present itself and she does not know I am watching when these things have happened to her.

Trin gets tired and she seems to go full steam ahead ie: charges into things without thinking like obviously today she decided she had enough of sitting next to the boy and wanted to move near a friend but she would not have done this through a plot to upset the whole classroom.

So what does one do, firstly the comment was blunt to me, it is also hard to reprimand a 6 year old hours after she has done all the wrongs and I was not there to place my judgement. I have done the best I can talking to her and hopefully tomorrow she may wake up on the right side of the bed. She said the teacher has been really angry and shouting most of the day and she said she was really scary but once again I cant place a judgement as I have not been there.

I am having to do a lot of reading with Trin at home, I must say I am really disappointed at her level of knowledge and her willingness to try. Keelan is also struggling with the division, multiplication concept of maths so I am spending a lot of time showing him how it is done. This really scares me when he is Year 7.

I thought this year would be easier and I would have the freedom to study and get myself sorted ready for returning to the workforce in a few years but I seem to have loaded myself up with more work than I can sometimes manage, then add to that a Hubby who is only home for 1 1/2 hours each night before the kidlets go to bed and my work load is full on. No wonder I feel like I am walking around with my eyeballs dragging on the ground. LOL.

I like all Mum's want the best for my kidlets and I just, above all else want them to be happy, if anyone can shed some light please do so, I value other opinions, I just know it has come to crunch time after last year and the year before to make some serious decisions as Trin has never really been fully settled in this class and I know from duties I have done she is up against some real opinionated nasties with this group, they shocked me with their mean comments to each other from Kindy and it is not just the girls it is the boys as well, I am wondering if a really sensitive child is just never going to be able to focus on school work as the emotional treatment from her classmates just takes over.
Please leave me a comment and give me your opinion I really would love to hear from you.
Take care


Mardi said... days are never easy...and such a worry arent they.
I think you really need to speak with the Teacher...get her to give her story of the events...and let her know what you have observed as well.....there has to be a better solution than asking you to reprimand for something that is old hat. Thats live in the moment...
Hugs...Mardi x

Anonymous said...

Hi trace
I am over school already what is it with private schools the mums are all in there little circles and most of them just walk straight past you obviously I have the plaig cause I have 2 little ones or I smell one of the 2!! they push past to get into the class first and then glare at you cause you re struggling to get a pram a toddler and Mikayla through the door and unpacked. I hate school!! It breaks my heart to see Mikayla holding back and no one plays with her all the kids push past her in the line and she lets them do it as she knows no better. I wish I could wrap her in cotton wool it is a cruel world out there for kids who are different. Oh well I got another 2 yet to come through the ranks I hope it gets better, I wonder why I am so down and depressed.

Hope your day is better one than mine


About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
