Monday, January 07, 2008

Totally delicious Weekend.

We had a great weekend, Saturday we did near to nothing, Keelan got a jigsaw for Christmas with no picture it's called a Wasgij and you just have to put it together without a picture, 1000 pieces and it has Tim and I hooked, I love doing Jigsaws but haven't done 1 since I was pregnant with Trinity so it was great sitting together talking for the afternoon and finding pieces, Trin would come over and find pieces everytime but she was too hooked on her movie to stay too long. Zay just played near us or with Trin on and off and Tim and I kept laughing quietly to ourselves at Zay's play talk when he plays with his Lightening Mcqueen cars. About 5pm we all had showers and got ready and went to Albies for tea which was wonderful to not cook for a change and enjoy some quality time with Trin and Zay.

Sunday Tim wanted to do lots but we needed coffee beans and decided we would take a trip to our favourite coffee place and get some more but the amount of people around made us re think our plans, Southbound was on this weekend and I think as soon as it finished everybody hit Dunsborough so we decided to grab the beans and then go to another favourite coffee place Yahava. It has changed since we were there last time and now they dont have a restaurant so we had a takeway coffee and the kidlets had a hot chocolate, the pics ab0ve in the collage show them trying to get their marshmallow, they had big chocolate faces when they finished. We then went to Lavender farm which is owned by a relative of Tim so he got to catch up with her and we had a lovely lunch and some yummy Lavender sparkling Rose', it was so relaxing and Trin got her scones which is what she was busting for and then we went for a walk around the lake and the lavender garden. The smell is just so divine, I have always loved burning lavender oil in the burner and used it in the baths for fevers and bites. Trin is a girl after my own heart, she just loved crushing some lavender heads and smelling them. We all floated home very relaxed and very very contented after our culinary delights. What paradise it is to live near all these wonderful places and we don't have to go far to get to them. The kidlets just loved exploring the gardens and watching the ducks at both places we went too, I know Keelan and Rainee would have loved it too, we will have to take them some place when they come home.

Today I have been back on the domestic front catching up with things and I am about to go and tackle the jigsaw again before I have to think about tea. Hope you are having great holidays with your kidlets, don't you love how they are back to their normal selves now with no school influences. I just love having the raw essence of them in the holidays. Take care and stay cool, Today is a hotty.
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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
