Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Australia needs an Oprah

Our TV station has just given us Oprah this week, at midday everyday she is on so while having my lunch I watch it. Well I can say that she is so amazing, it has been years since I watched her and she really does some amazing stuff. Yesterday I was either crying or choked up during my lunch, pretty hard to eat and cry but believe me I managed to do it!! lol. she did a pay it forward challenge where 1 day last year everyone in her audience got $1000 on a credit card and they could get rid of it any way they wanted as long as it was helping other people. What some of these women did was amazing, 1 women in her home town raised $72,000 plus got a truck load of goods and groceries plus scholarship for 1 of the 6 kids plus so much more all from $1000 to start with, this family had a Father with a brain tumour so he was no longer able to work and the Mother had her hands full with all the kids so the hospital bills, mortgage everything was taken care of for a family who never asked for anything from anybody. Amazing and inspiring stuff. I think we lack having an Oprah in Australia, I know most communties step up when one of their own is in need but I think she is an amazing leader in what can often be such trying times.

I had weigh in last night, goodbye to 1.2 kilos more so thats 4.8 in total. I must admit I have been naughty since then so I have to put some more effort into my lunch times ATM, I am lacking in eating good enough to be satisfied to make it through the afternoon without looking for the wrong things. Then the issue of exercise is looming too, just need to get it happening!!! Stop promising each week it will happen. Oh procrastination is very powerful thing!!!

Kidlets still have snots!! Oh just sooooo dont want to be going down that road again through winter, started the 3 little ones on incremin today just to kick start their appetite again and give them a boost, they are so bad at eating their tea at night. Incremin is always great for making them start eating again!! Still not creating but thinking about it. Trin went for a play today with a new friend but holy cow they came home high as kites, Darcy's Mum had them decorating milk arrowroots and muffins and far out they were high on sugar, I made sure I shovelled as much roast lamb into her for tea tonight to try and kill the sting of the sugar. Pre primary makes them so tired, she is just an emotional mess by night time, crying at the drop of a hat and making all the problems of the day seem so huge, I just give her heaps of love and support and thank goodness day light saving is nearly over and they will be getting back to bed a 7.30pm, otherwise they just can't cope and neither can us parents. lol.

My girlfriend is arriving tomorrow, can't wait, getting to go and have Friday night with her at the motel and have drinks and just have a girls night I can't wait. I think I need a good alcoholic wash out to revive me ATM. Off now to watch the old idiot box.
Take care

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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
