Monday, February 26, 2007

All sick!!

Today the kidlets all stayed home, we are all pretty much sick with something, Tim has had stomach upset most of the night, Rainee is not the best in the tummy, Zay is still fighting his cold and keeps hitting his head, would hate to see a skull X-ray. Trin is just tired after fighting with a cold for weeks and Keelan and I are getting the cold and I have the dizzy head and hot and cold flushes, Zay slept till 8.45am this morning, unheard of for my 6am rising Son. The rest of us just vegged in bed till then as once he is up action usually starts. We have had another big weekend and late night last night having tea and celebrating with MIL for her 70th Birthday so I would rather the kids rest and go fresh for the rest of the week.

The humidity is so stiffling, we had a storm and rain today but it just stayed humid, I love the storms that bring the cool changes but not so today, the weather is just horrid ATM. I think I need to go and live where it is winter most of the time. Love Spring but not into anything over 30 degrees at all.

Nothing else much exciting happening, count down to Scrapboxx retreat sooo needing that weekend away, hope my happy positive self will return and also my mojo. My visitor for this week is still coming and that will be fun, but more about her later. Will go now and get some sleep, hope tomorrow will be better.
Take care

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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
