Monday, February 05, 2007

Taken the plunge!

Today I bit the bullet and went and joined Weight Watchers, its official now I have put it out there. I AM ON A DIET or should I say a lifestyle change. I will be the dreaded 40 in August and I made a promise to myself that I would not be this size however over the holidays I have managed to end up a bigger size lol. So off Zay and I went to the meeting this morning, I am pleased to say the scales do go up pretty high and that my little support man was just great for the meeting and waiting 25 mins for me to get through the sign up drama!! I also only have 5 weeks till Scrapboxx Retreat yahoo, I love retreats and I am so looking forward to getting away and spending time doing my great love of creating. So I will see how much I can loose in 5 weeks and hopefully some of my really nice clothes will fit me again to take away. So lots of incentive to get rid of the lard and on top of that my health, my poor joints and back and neck have had enough of supporting this lard, I was never this size even in my 4 pregnancies so Mum and I discussed last week supporting each other and joining even though we are doing it a long way from each other and I am sure Kim will jump on board too. So here is to us 3 getting some normal sized bodies!!!

I made tea from my plan tonight and it was yummy, the great thing is the family can pretty much eat and enjoy the meals as well, not like the last plan I tried, I had to cook 2 lots of bloody meals each night and that just gets too hard in the end.

I have had a meeting tonight for Kindy which is all stuff I know from last year with Trin but I did the right thing and heard about it all again. So funny to listen to the Parents and the questions they ask, I think some think they are sending them to the einstein school. Others seem to have issues about starving children and send masses of food in for them. lol. Other than that not much else happening. Busy creating ATC's for scrapbook designs swap and enjoying that and off to watch desperate housewives, back on yahoo, but cant wait for Mcleods and Greys anatomy. yummo. Catch you next time.
Take care

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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
