Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Not the kind of shopping days you need!

Warning, do not take men shopping when they don't want to be there. They will do everything in their power to make it a shopping trip from hell.

I wake this morning with a date planned with Rainee to go shopping in peace with just her and I. This little babe loves to shop so it is always a pleasant experience with her. So whilst having breakfast, D.H. pipes up and says "Am I invited shopping"? In a puppy dog tone that makes me feel sorry for him after my comment of "Definitely NOT". So then I start thinking which is really mistake no.1. (poor thing he must want to be with us so if he comes we can take our time and have a coffee out and a nice morning with the 4 of us.)

Then he decides he doesn't want to come but then Rainee begs him and I urge him to come as well so in the end he gets ready and we head out the door to Target.

So the shopping begins with him and Zaylan conflicting over everything they can find and then I ask "Do you like these colour towels?" to which his reply is "why do we need new ones?" so I just go about picking the colour I like and he puts $20 worth into wanting BLACK towels so I give into him and put the pretty green ones back. Then the toy isle provides more disputes with shoppers needing ear plugs as when he argues about stuff with Zay he drops to Zay's age level therefore it is an ongoing power struggle till I intervene. But I am like concrete, determined not to bend and go home, so I move through the different sections selecting what I came to get and ticking it off my list as I go until the boys ( I will refer to Husband at this point as boy as he really is not looking any brighter than the 3 year old at the moment.)

I get to the line for the register and things are not getting any better and my patience is now starting to fade so when the girl starts to serve me I give Zay the car keys and send them to the car to wait for me. It takes a while to get through my big pile of stuff but at least I don't have people looking at me with the {poor you} look on their face.

I leave the shop head to the car and Tim and Rainee are standing outside the car and Tim has a look of how are you going to solve this one on his face. So here is Zaylan strapped in the car, keys on the front seat and the car is totally locked up. Oh easy I think, bribe him to lift the lock up and we are out of here. Yeh right, rethink that option right now. I am steaming at Husband but I dare open my mouth for fear of divorce courts but that may be a welcome relief after this episode of events.

So it's hot and Zay has been dressed by darling Dad this morning who put tracksuit pants on, singlet, T-shirt and polar fleece hooded jumper which I struggle to get off him let alone he be able to get out of it himself. All my bribing and pleading will not get Zay to open the door or the seatbelt he has tried and tried and each time gives up even easier. By now a older man is watching with an amused look on his face and arms crossed like we are the dumbest parents on earth so I loudly voice my opinion to Tim about how helpful some people are NOT and how amusing it must be to glare at parents with a problem. I then tell Husband to get walking fast to the Holden joint for some help as this is failing trying to get Zay to open the lock. Child lock of course is on that door so opening the handle wont get him out. Off Tim goes.

Meanwhile I have a lady with a little boy and ice cream come and offer the ice cream to Zay but he still can't open the lock, then another family offer lollipop and M&M's but still no luck. These lovely people holidaying here from Albany kindly helped and her hubby happens to be an Auto electrician but he doesnt have his tools with him so they are wrecking their umbrella to try and get something to break in with. I got Zay to take his shoes and socks off as he is starting to sweat and put a towel up on the window which I might add ( Hubby suggested so he is at least now thinking like an adult again) to keep the sun off Zay. The RAC man arrives and then he jumps into action fast and has the car opened in a few mins, of course we have a car that has great security so it all takes that bit longer. Zay wonders what all the fuss is about, he has seen kids come and go and ladies talking to him through the window but we grab him and strip him off and then go and get him a drink, it has been about 20 mins since he locked himself in the car.

So off we go to finish the last thing I have to do, I have abandoned the rest of my list and Hubby is feeling the vibes even though I can't speak to him but that is our morning adventure and I hope I have it locking in that I will not take him shopping again, no matter what!!! Mind you I dont think he would ever ask again either!!! He needs a job pronto, I really don't know how much more I can take of him being home 24/7.

I go shopping with 4 kidlets so often and yet I have never ever had this type of shopping experience. I tell you my Male is 1 of a kind and I got the lucky jackpot when cupids arrow shot through us, no wonder I get grey hair popping up by the hour. LOL.

Take care

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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
