Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Update on Jamie.

I think we are all still pretty numb from yesterday's chain of events but I had a good talk to Mum this morning after Jamie had returned from the Dr. and his lump on the back of his head is now 5cm instead of 10cm. That is really hard to imagine having an egg that size but Mum was present when the Head Scan was done and that is what it measured. The technician was explaining it all to Mum and said he is so extremely lucky to be alive after the beating he has endured.

Mum said Jamie is pretty sore and stiff today but was also back giving more statements to the police and my Dad was helping out where he could. A security company was coming this afternoon to put a whole new up to date system in and they are going to get a big Dog to be at the shop all the time and when Jamie is working at night by himself the dog will be with him. Dad will build a pen for it during the day to be in.

Rebecca is taking him away for a week or so but they are waiting until they feel he is not so scary for the kids to see him. Being 4, 3 and 1 in age they are too young to understand. They hope to get down here also for Rainee's Birthday next Monday so that will be really wonderful if they make it, I just want to grab him and hug him so hard right now.

Mum and Dad are pretty shaken up but holding it together more worried about Jamie as he is keeping everything inside which is so Jamie, in crisis he goes into major lock down but they have organised Counselling for him too. I just commend everyone concerned up there with how much they are going into action about it all and even the town is in deep shock and they all feel a lot less secure now so it has rocked many people.

I guess the fact that they stated "let's get a knife and finish the ---- off". is really what we are all reeling from as he really did escape with his life.

Mum told me an amazing story Rebecca told her today and it just shows how much our children can be so closely connected with us.
Jamie and Rebecca spoke to each other at 8pm and then she turned off her mobile as she thought the most important phone call of the night had been made.

Ayla their eldest Daughter who is so much like Jamie's double in many ways usually goes to bed and that is where she stays till morning but on Sunday night around 8.30pm when the attack started she woke up, hopped out of bed and came to Rebecca and said "Mum I really need a big cuddle."
So Rebecca gave her one and put her back to bed but then she came back out again not long after and said "Mum I feel I need a really big cuddle again". Rebecca thought this was really weird and so not like her. When she put it all together the next day it was all the time of the attack. Is she connected to her Father or what???

On the home front Tim's job is delayed but if it is for too much longer I think he will be back looking for another one before he starts this one. Mind you it has been a blessing having him around the past few days with all this going on. I really have needed to feel him around and to talk to.

I need to catch up on news of Kim my SIL also and see how her late pregnancy complications are going also, we may just have a new Baby in the Family next week.
Oh it never rains but poors, certainly been a hectic school holidays with everything going on, I pick Keelan up tomorrow so it will be great to see him again. I am missing him like crazy.
Well enjoy your last few days of holidays.
Take care
Trace. P.S. Thankyou for your comments Ladies, it means a lot that you care.

1 comment:

Janine said...

WOW- Ayla sounds like one very amazing little girl!! Good to hear that your brother is feeling a little better. And it is so great that you will see him next week- hopefully he will be feeling (and looking) a lot better by then.
Are the police any closer to catching the people responsible?
Take care.

About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
