Thursday, April 12, 2007

HELP, toddler needs taming.

As the heading says we are in need of a toddler tamer ATM. LOL. Oh my lord what started off as a Beautiful quiet Baby that did everything right from wo to go has now become a fully fledged demon, I dont know what is possessing this child but I will personally pack its bags and it can leave now!!!! Today because Big Bro was not around to play with he tried all sorts of nonsense till Mum lost the plot and then he settled it down for a while and then he got put to bed for his sleep and woke up a different kid. He climbs up the breakfast bar this morning and pulled my special bell Mum gave me for my Birthday a few years ago, I am making beds and hear the sound of beads spilling everywhere and here he is standing on the bench with bell in hand. Grrrrrr and once again Sisters saying "we saw him on the bench Mum, he has broken the breakfast bell", their favourite name for it. So down I get him and off he runs and I am left threading and trying to make it look similar but some beads could not be found but they have turned up in funny places all day.

Next whilst talking to Mum on phone, (dont you love the mischief they get up to when on the phone) he disappears so we have a quick whip around back yard and he is missing so we run out the front, shovel on front lawn left and big smell of Dog poop but no Zay, so cut Mum off and wonder which direction to run, calling, calling , next minute around he comes from side of house "WHAT" he says, okay settle heart down and mind from all the kidnapping scenarios, especially as Mum and I had just spoken about a kidnapped boy who has just been found after weeks of torture. OMG, so he high tails it back to backyard, so I lock the gate and get on with things.
I empty washing machine and head around to the clothes line, passed toddler going indoors on my way out and intuition is telling me to call him he up to no good but no ignore intuition, get the darn washing on the line and then I hear the girls say " I think he has toilet paper" then some quiet talking so I start pegging clothes furiously on the line as he is up to something else, all is very quiet. Come back around to the patio and the girls say "Mum, Zay has put toilet paper everywhere" Oh great girls why didnt you stop him, but there in all its unrolled glory is my new roll of paper towel!!!! Toddler no where in sight, missing in action, so Mum with steam coming out her ears goes hunting, finds target and gives a good telling off to him and sorts him out. Well he sat quiet for the rest of the morning till bed time thank goodness. You know some days they just get on a roll and it is full steam ahead until you burst and then they come good. Meanwhile you are exhausted.

Yesterday I had a lovely Day with Keelan shopping and having lunch together which is rare for us to have time on our own, it was so lovely and we enjoyed it. The little ones went to Tim's folks and kept them on their toes, Zay broke a photo frame of MIL's so he was in the bad books then but he felt bad, he couldn't even face her for ages. OH the tough times of a toddler.
Hoping he is going to be better tomorrow so I can catch up on some stuff before we go away.
Well off to go and make some cards.
Take care

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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
