Tuesday, April 24, 2007

2 in 1 Day

Hi again,
Just thought I better get our holiday on here before it is in the distant past, we had the best time, weather was not the best by any means but this is the first holiday Mum and I have not tracked to the laundry or cooked evening meals every night, we took them already cooked and frozen and had enough clothes for 7 days and spent so much time with the kidlets it was brilliant.

We went for big long walks up the hills and Zay managed to make most of the big hill, I carried him up the top the last bit, they played on swings and paddled in the water, fossicked around the rocks, walked up the beach and beside the river, played in the river and Trin even patted and fed Sting rays. The kidlets made friends daily, as some friends went home they made friends with some more, we had rainy days but still walked in the rain and they had craft time with us also, they scrapped a page each 1 morning and then painted little boxes with Nana and Grandad and decorated them the next day, we played cards, deal or no deal, laughed, slept, ate lots of M&M peanuts even for morning tea, weight watchers wont be good tonight LOL. but most of all we just loved being with each other and kicking back letting life just happen. How rare is that, you really can't beat the old caravan park holiday for some good old fashioned simple, laid back holidaying. No T.V. awesome, the kidlets actually learnt eye contact again and they pitched in and helped with chores and we had ducks that smelt the food so always wandered around for some morning tea and lunch if they werent too stuffed.

We have all come back fresh, happy and with lots of clarity. Tim managed to have 2 nights, I did give up my queen sized blow up mattress to share it with him, that was hard going I tell you, I was comfy as on my own. But lucky because he was there on the coldest night so we cuddled up, I think he froze my feet on purpose so I would have to snuggle to get warm. LOL. So all good, home laundry up to date, rearing to create, I took about 134 photos of nearly the same things so lots to cull which is so hard for me but I will get there. Well better go and get ready for the big weigh in, will post tomorrow but I will be licking my wounds as I bet I am up. LOL
Take care
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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
