Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yummy Chicken Korma Curry.


I want to share this recipe that I tried out tonight and it was absolutely yummy, full of flavour and warming to the palate.

Chicken Korma Curry.
I used just over a kilo Chicken Breasts but you could use Chicken Thighs too if you like them.
1 large onion diced.
2 carrots diced
wedge of pumpkin, peeled and diced
big handful of snow peas
Hokkien noodles, large pack.
Jar of Pataks Korma curry paste.
tin of light coconut milk
dash of olive oil.
2 cups of water

First fry the onions and carrots in oil until onions soft, then add whole jar of Korma curry paste
add the Chicken and let the chicken simmer until it is sealed.

Add pumpkin and cups of water and put lid on and let simmer till the chicken is cooked through, then add snow peas.

Rinse the noodles under hot water and then add to pan with everything else, mix and simmer for a little longer until all the juice is taken up and then add the tin of coconut milk and stir until all heated through and the sauce has thickened. It is now ready to serve.

You can add any of your favourite vegies really. But be warned it is very easy to over indulge and feel really full after it is so yummy. Let me know if you try it what you think.

Tim went to work at 5.30am and appeared back home at 9am due to them not needing him at this other mine sight.
We managed to get toy shopping this morning even if we did have 2 girls with us and Rainee with a sick bucket, I was determined to do this shopping today as the way town has been it will soon be impossible to get anything. Rainee has some gastro bug, she has been flat all day so I hope it only lasts 24 hours, I have mopped the floor a few times due to her not getting to the toilet on time, she has now gone to bed with a bad headache so I really hope she is feeling better tomorrow. Praying no one else gets it either and glad now the boys are not here as I usually end up with them all catching it.

Well better go and watch a movie with D.H. he is calling me.
Take care

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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
