Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Anticipation would best describe how we are all feeling in this household ATM. This wonderful Mum of mine (above pic with Rainee) is arriving on the bus tomorrow and we all can't wait to see her and have lots of laughs and fun for a few days. A great way to have clean dinner plates every night and best behaviour is pending a visit from Nana, works wonders. LOL. I hope she feels like cooking as we would all love some of her cupcakes and other baked goodies, not that my waistline needs it but the kidlets certainly would love it. On the farm I baked lots but since moving I avoid it which is not good for the kidlets as they are finding other stuff to fill up on when nothing beats a baked slice or cakes.

I forgot to mention that Tim handed in his notice at his current job a week or so ago and finishes up on Thursday. He came home soaking wet a couple of Friday's back and so down about work and the attitude his boss has towards him so we had a talk and then he went back and gave his notice. They are giving him the cold shoulder now and are trying to dock his last pay left right and centre over any nit picky thing they can find. I asked Mum and Dad to come down and give Tim and I the chance to go away together this weekend so he could have a break and start his new job with a fresh attitude and much needed break. We leave Friday lunch time to go to a luxury retreat not too far away in case we are needed at home for any reason and we come home Monday so 3 nights away together will be just divine. I am being spoilt with retreats this year but hey I am not knocking them back, all those years of little babies and being home bound sure makes these retreats just the best to rekindle the soul and body as we are having a Sheer indulgence massage treatment together on Saturday to slide us into bliss and relax mode. Tim is just hanging for this break, he has looked after the kidlets while I have had a few weekends away so I know he truly deserves this.

The kidlets are really looking forward to catching up with Nana and Grandad (who will join them on Friday night or Saturday morning,) the boys just love Dad and can't wait to see him as well.

I will share pics of my scrap room but I am waiting for Tim to build me a little cupboard to go next to my scrap table so once I have that in place and it straightened out just a bit more I will definitely share.

Well better go and get ready for our Christmas card making workshop today. I will share pics of them later.
Have a great day
Take care
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope you have a wonderful time on your retreat - and you do deserve it. I too have been spoilt this year, but man it's nice!

About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
