Sunday is pretty busy in this house especially in the morning, usually Tim cooks us breakfast with Bacon and Eggs, ( the only time you will see him in the kitchen) lol. while he does that I strip beds and crank up the machine then after breakfast the day rolls on with me making beds and doing washing followed by a laid back afternoon, although Keelan went with his friends to the cinema today which was great for him, the first time he has been without an adult although an older Brother of 1 of the boys went also. He is starting to grow up and become more independent and want to do things with his own age group, this is taking me a little time to get comfortable with as with it brings new attitude, changes and probably that feeling that my little boy is not going to be a little boy anymore no matter how much I clutch onto him. Sob sob sob. I already share him with his Father every 3rd weekend and school and now mates I know we have to really make the most of our Summer as a family this year, before we are too uncool to hang out with. LOL.
Just some pics to share of my kitchen in winter with the pressure cooker always a big feature lately with soups bubbling away in it. My trusty cappo maker, my Marri cupboards which I absolutely love to just admire the wood grain and the colour, it has changed colour so much since it was first installed 9 months ago.
Lastly the yummy Minestrone soup that I cooked today and we had for tea. It had yummy chunks of beef through it so it was really delicious.
Other than that the boys got wood yesterday and took Rainee and Trin and I had some quiet time together scrapping. I will share some pics of what we did tomorrow.
I have 6 more days of my Baby being 2, boo hoo he is 3 next Saturday, I really can not believe how they grow in 3 years, I have enjoyed every moment of him being a baby and have such a wonderful connection with him, I truly love how he allowed me to breast feed him for 18 months, it gave us a special bond that will never be broken.
Well off to watch idol, have a great week.
Take care
Ohhh Tracy...what a beautiful kitchen (the wood is just divine...and that stove is pretty darn cool too!!)... and your description of a lovely laid back Sunday..although why is washing never ending...lol
Mardi x
Love your stove and kitchen - makes me want my kitchen finished. I could just imagine having a nice cuppa with you there. xx
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