Friday, July 13, 2007

Winter school holidays.

Just dropping in to update while the kidlets are quiet watching play school and Keelan is occupied with his mate who has been here for a sleep over. Play school is so great for the kids I really promote them to watch it, they do some really interesting things and today was about silk worms. That brings back memories from my school days of when we each got 1 to bring home and watch the cycle of its life. Wow that was a long time ago!! LOL.

These pics of Zay are him rugged up for winter, he is so hard to get a pic of these days as he is never still for long. I have to take about 30 to get a couple of good ones. But since he stayed with Mum he is big on the saying " boots on boots off" he says it every time he walks out the door, he is trying so hard to talk more, he seems to be taking the longest to talk but I suppose we all tend to finish his sentences so we must stop that, he loves his bike, he makes it hurt, ripping around the back yard. Thank goodness my children have half an acre to play on, lately it is the bikes and tramp that have been occupying them which is great as we really dont have any spending money for these holidays so home is where we have to be. They played outside all morning yesterday, the 4 of them, no squables it was lovely, I got to do a clean up and having Keelan looking after Zay meant I could go to town without checking on him all the time.

We have to go shopping later this morning once Keelan's friend has gone home and because they cleaned up their rooms they have a little spending money for a treat. Trin has been drawing heaps of great pictures, the above portrait is me with blue hair. LOL. Then Rainee drew 1 this morning of me with purple hair. I must be a really colourful Mum. LOL. I added a pic of me in my messy scrap room, a la natural, I certainly missed out on being photogenic like my children. LOL. Glad it is Friday, looking forward to having some time with Tim over the weekend and so is Zay, yesterday he heard an Ambulance while they were playing on the tramp and Rainee kindly told him the ambulance was getting Daddy, he came inside crying and so distressed, I had to end up ringing Tim so he could talk to him to know he was okay but he is still on about it this morning, " Daddy ute crash, eeeorrr get Daddy mmmm" so I have told him tomorrow Daddy has no work so he will be with him for 2 days. That has made him stop telling me the same story 10 times over. He seems happy now, he so misses his Daddy. Okay off now. Take care.
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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
