It has been full on here and with daylight saving thr0wn into this week well it just makes it even harder!! I would like to know if any Eastern staters read this blog if they could help me with some answers pleasssse. 1st how do you get little children to bed at 7.30pm when they can sit and read with the lights off and still think its day time??? Do I have to purchase some dark curtains?? Or do they eventually get that tired they adjust?? I have just sat with the girls for 40 mins till they wound down enough to drop off and they can hear people out and around still being loud and noisy as if it was 3pm. But come morning and they are sound asleep at 7am when they have been getting up at 6am. I am finding that there is going to be a lot less time for me to do all the things I used to as they were in bed and asleep by 7.30pm and I dont even want to go there when Zaylan can work out how to open his door, because at the moment he lays in bed and plays but doesnt get out once his door is shut. So if anyone has any tips please share them with me!!
Now onto why I have been so busy. Keelan had his school concert last night and lucky Tim and the other kidlets stayed home as 3 hours later it finished and they had strict instructions out to all parents that the kids had to be quiet. I dont know but I have found the concerts at our old school a lot more family friendly and enjoyable. The poor kids from year 2 to 7 spent their time out in the next room and had to watch it from a poor quality screen for 3 hours!!! I hope things improve next year as I dont think I could stand year after year of it, Keelan got to sing 1 song with his class and then he was at the back and I could not see him so for my 3 mins of what should have been heart swelling proudness I was extremely let down. But so was Keelan which was sad also.
Now today has been on a tight schedule but we made it, so proud of myself as I am usually so late and last minute about things but today I pulled my finger out and got back to a routine day and it has been all good. I went shopping this a.m. with Rainee and Zaylan and we belted around and spent $415 on groceries in 1 and a half hours. You know how the experts say stay on the outside of the (inside) of the shop and do all fresh produce yeh well that is what I did and it is still extremely bloody expensive. I tell you it costs more to eat fresh and healthy by a long mile. I am sick of the kids being in the pantry all the time for snacks so I am making them stick to the fruit so I bought no chips, lollies or junk but seedless grapes well try $22 for the bunch I bought and 2 bags of bananas $15. How bloody outrageous does it have to get but you know what I will pay those prices as my kids health is the ultimate to me, I wish our government would stop bragging about how much profit it made and give some of it back to us with fresh produce being subsidised by them so we could by all the healthy meats, vegies, eggs and milk, bread all at moderate prices and maybe then kids would be a lot healthier and active because I am sure a lot of parents could not afford to buy super healthy trolley loads each week but hey a big bag of chips comes on special for $1.99 so that makes a cheap snack therefore the bags of bananas for $7.99 still stay in the shop. Well that is my rant over gee sometimes just having a rant makes it feel so much better. Anyway back on track for my day, after the shop ( dont get me started again) lol. I flew home unpacked it all, started stamping cards for Trins class mates and attached them to candy canes and wrapped teachers pressies and did their cards, missed having the time for Trin to sign them. Had lunch then it was time to get ready and Designer Rainee was helping me, put on blue linen shirt, "no Mummy that doesnt look good" off with blue shirt, put on pink shirt "no Mummy you can't wear that, I am wearing my pretty dress" put on aqua shirt " oh Mummy don't you have anything nice" off with that and complete change of everything, "Well Rainee what do you think", "Yes Mummy that looks very lovely you can wear that" "Great Rainee now we are not running so early so get yourself dressed and lets get going"!!! I dont know what I am going to go through when she is 15 if this is what I am going through now at 4!!! I think next time I will take her shopping or better still I think I will do a wardrobe cleanse in the holidays and she can sit on the bed and say yes or no!! lol.
Now we arrived at Trin's graduation with 15 mins to spare, woke little bloke up he didnt know where he had landed for the first 15 mins poor little tike and then stuck him in the pram and headed for Trins class and after last nights let down, I was welcomed into the class and they had the best little concert for us, just awesome so now my gorgeous girl has graduated Kindy certificate and all and a lovely portfolio and an awesome CD of pics from the year with lots of her on it. I have changed my mind about her teacher and the strictness, I think she has done an awesome job for an extremely spirited bunch of kiddies. She also greeted Rainee and seems excited to be having her next year. So all good!!! Tomorrow is off to the park with the kindy group for Santa visit. Then I have to get Keelan organised for his last day of school and he is so ill at the moment, I have never seen him so run down from a school year, his poor little body is just not letting him get through the end of the week, he just feels sick but nothing is becoming of it, he is weak and tired and I dont think he really knows himself what he actually feels other than he needs major veg and recoup yesterday. He is going for tae kwon do grading next week in Perth but he couldnt even go tonight he just feels so awful, we have a huge weekend ahead so I hope he picks up big time.
Wow I better leave it here, I was going to be humerous in this post tonight but it is another serious one and a biggy, sorry to have so much wind. lol. I better get back to some scrapping soon, I will post some pics tomorrow.
Take care