Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy weekend.

Our weekend was pretty busy as usual, would like to say it was very enjoyable but it was more on the lines of exhausting but so glad we achieved what we did. We went through stuff we have packed in boxes that we have hung onto in case we need it or the garage sale which never happens. When Tim and I packed 2 households into one when we got together we found ourselves overloaded with stuff, but being on the farm the opportunity to cull is hard as you have to drive so far to get rid of it and you can't have garage sales out in the middle of nowhere. As I went through the boxes I had the urge to just give it all to the Bush fire appeal, I had a big box of sheets and pillowcases, baby toys like new from Zay and cot sheets and lots of other goodies and the bonus of having a Lady around the corner collecting for the appeal, so we repacked and labelled the boxes and today Tim dropped them off, we also went without Take away treat on the weekend and donated the money to the fundraiser the school had today for the appeal.

The kids made me so proud giving up things to make a difference to other people who are suffering so much from the Fires in Victoria. They have parted with things they wanted to keep to make others feel better and helped clean and pack things all Sunday, they are troopers. It may be a little bit in the scale of things but it is paying it forward and there is nothing better.

Take care, Trace.
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About Me

I am wife to Tim and SAHM to four kids. Love scrapbooking with a passion as it captures colour, love and beauty and expression all in a layout. Love Coffee, chocolate and lazy days with the Family.
